There were lots of ducks and some folks were practicing their fly casting skills in the casting pond, which reminded me that I need to re-new my fishing license and get out there this season... we played on the swings for a minute and then headed for home. June liked watching Sampson run next to Samantha on the bike and chattered most of the way home.
It was pretty cold out, June's windshield helped to protect her from the wind a little, and we were ready for some hot soup for lunch.
Enjoy the pics and we'll have more once it warms up a little.
We also went to the beach yesterday and we're heading to San Diego on Thursday! Busy bees!! We're all looking forward to the warmer weather and hanging out by the pool.
Gosh, she's getting so big!
Looks like everyone was having a great time.
Grandma Susie is getting in the car to drive to Portland....I had to lasso her on her way out the door!
So, how did june like the first ride? I like the windshield!! To cool.
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