August 29, 2008

Hood River Cross Weekend

If anyone wants to come to Hood River Saturday or Sunday, September 20 or 21 and watch Samantha and I race and hang out with June you can! Just go here for directions and times for the races, etc. I race at 1:00 and Samantha at 1:55. If the kids want to do the kiddie race that's at 12:45. We are planning on camping at Tucker Park about .5 mi. south of Hood River if you want to make a weekend out of it. $20/nt to camp on Hood River, less for non-river camping, and they have showers too. It's a fun kick off to the season and not too far from Yakima, and even closer to Toppenish, hint, hint....
Hope to see you there!

1 comment:

-Ed- said...

Unfortunately, the Rousculp Grandmother is working that weekend. :(